How to Do SEO Keyword Research

A successful business strategy starts with understanding your audience what they are looking for, what problems keep them up at night, and how they would search for solutions to those issues. Keyword research is the foundation of this understanding because it shows you where your audience’s opportunities are by studying the words, phrases and queries they use to find those answers.

Keywords are the building blocks of your content strategy and they must be accurate and relevant to the needs and interests of your audience in order to deliver the results you desire. In this article, we will look at how to perform basic keyword research and also dive into more advanced techniques and strategies for improving your SEO results. JetRank provides comprehensive & affordable SEO services. Their expert team analyzes your target audience, competition and industry trends to identify high-ranking keywords. They ensure optimal visibility and organic traffic for your website.

There are many tools available to help you with your keyword research. Some, like Google’s Keyword Planner, are free, while others require a monthly or one-time fee. We recommend using a tool that can provide more comprehensive data such as Ahrefs, SEMRush or Moz. These tools can also integrate with your analytics software allowing you to get valuable website insights all in one place.

It is important to start with a seed list of keywords that are core to your product, service or brand. These are the keywords that all other terms and phrases will branch from. Once you have a seed list it is helpful to group them by intent and topic. For example, you might have groups for informational search terms (top of funnel), navigational search terms to specific pages or brands (middle of funnel), and transactional searches that are likely to result in a sale or action from your site (bottom of funnel).

While it is tempting to jump straight into a keyword suggestion tool, you should first consider the user intent behind each query and how it relates to your target audience’s needs and interests. This will be much more effective than just running a term through a keyword suggestion tool and hoping for the best.

When doing your keyword research, it is also critical to look at the competition level of each term. The higher the competition, the more difficult it will be to rank for that term. This is why it is important to begin with lower difficulty keywords and work your way up.

The process of conducting keyword research and developing a keyword strategy can be overwhelming. It is recommended to do it at the beginning of every content strategy and re-evaluate it regularly to ensure you are getting the best return on your investment. Remember that, unlike paid advertising, SEO typically delivers results in the medium to long term, making it a great investment for your business.